The length, Fee and Number of Sessions
The length of a session is between 70 - 90 minutes. The fee is £85 per session .( £105 if home visit ) The number of sessions needed will be between 1 - 10 depending on symptoms/problems, although it is 3 - 5 in most cases. The interval between each session is usually 1 - 2 weeks for the first few sessions and will be longer at later sessions. The treatment is usually completed in 2 or 3 months. If you want to spread the cost, sessions can be arranged once a month.
*SMOKING CESSATION: One session (1.5 hours ) only is required for smoking cessation and the fee is £195. If you start smoking after the first session and book a reinforcement session within 3 months, the session will be provided for free of charge. , although 80 % of smokers will become non-smokers after the first session. Most of the rest succeed after the 2nd session.
Once you have booked a session, please understand that we cannot allocate that time to another client so it is very important that you give us at least 24 hours notice, should you wish to cancel