s probably t up smoking with hypnosis is usually easy for most people.
To be successful using hypnosis, the most important factor is desire. You must want to stop, even if you think you can't. So long as the true desire to make this change is firmly in place, then hypnosis can help.
Therefore, before I agree to go ahead and treat somebody for smoking, the first thing I need to assess is motivation for quitting.
Why now? How does the client really feel about quitting?
If someone feels anxious about it, or particularly worried, I might suggest that now is not the right time to stop. When someone feels that it’s what they really want and they are happy and looking forward to making that change, then I will agree to treat.
Very often, people come to hypnotherapy to stop smoking having tried every other method going - gum, patches, will power and have been unsuccessful. Perhaps these methods have helped in the past but you've always returned to the habit eventually. Very often, these unsuccessful attempts reinforce the idea that giving up smoking is very hard to do AND there are side effects too - perhaps feeling more stressed with over whelming desires for a cigarette. There may be concerns about weight gain and the fear that your whole life will be turned upside down because your friends and social circle still smoke, so you'll have to avoid all the situations and activities in which you used to smoke etc, etc.
These are often the concerns of someone who wants to stop smoking but hypnosis really can help, if you have the desire and it won't affect your lifestyle detrimentally, only positively, I promise! Most people are successful in giving up smoking through hypnosis, however there are factors involved in being successful:
1. You must absolutely want the change you are asking for.
2. You are comfortable about using the process of hypnosis to make that change. You may not have been hypnotised before, so feeling apprehensive is normal, feeling scared is not!
3. You are not resistant to trance. Now we won’t really know that until we get going, but most people will know whether it is something they are happy to try or not.
4. There is no psychological reason behind the smoking ie. it is more than a habit. I tend to pick this up from prospective clients when I talk to them though, as it will be evident in the way they talk about cigarettes.
When you decide to use hypnosis to stop smoking we'll spend time just talking about your smoking habit - probably something you've never done. We'll find out all the times, places and reasons for your smoking - known as triggers. We'll build up a picture completely personal to you. It's your time to really think about your smoking habit - no holds barred.
Once we've really assessed your smoking habit, we'll do the trance work, the hypnosis. I'll use a combination of suggestion therapy, visualisation techniques and future pacing work, where you'll see yourself NOT smoking in all of the situations in which you used to smoke. You'll be relaxed and focused, as is the nature of hypnosis and you'll find that you really enjoy the experience with your positive goal becoming a reality - YOU ARE A NON-SMOKER.
With hypnosis we'll change the way you think about cigarettes at the unconscious level and that's where the change needs to take place. The conscious mind needs to have the desire - the unconscious mind needs the re-education. It no longer needs to respond to the old triggers that led you to smoke. It'll have new choices, which ultimately lead to a healthier, more satisfying way of living.
For most people, smoking is just a habit they would rather stop, and if all of the above is in place, and they genuinely want to stop, they tend to be very successful with hypnosis.
Stopping smoking treatment plan and cost is £195.
How Much Money Do You Waste On Cigarettes?
1 Year £1,095 £2,190 £4,380
2 Years £2,190 £4,380 £8,760
5 Years £5,475 £10,950 £21,900
10 Years £10,950 £21,900 £43,800
20 Years £21,900 £43,800 £87,600
40 Years £43,800 £87,600 £175,200