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Surrey Hypnosis

 Clinical hypnotherapist DipHPsych, GHsc D.hyp,MBSCH  GHR reg.

Does your heart rate increase at the thought of taking an interview, which in turn allows the strain and anxiety feelings to surface. It is a cycle of emotions and feelings that need to and can be broken.

The great news is….I can help.

I will help you to reframe your thought process, using direct suggestion, looking positive and confident towards the future and teaching you the technique called anchoring to trigger your own confident emotions when needed. Once you have learnt this important tool of life process it is with you forever, giving your much more control over the way you think.

If you are not emotionally prepared, no amount of practical preparation will help. You will be edgy, nervous and jumpy, which will in turn make you confused and forgetful. Hypnosis is something which can help you being under control most of the prominent signs of job interview nerves.

In place of being jumpy and nervous at an interview, you will learn to relax. You will be calm and in control, instead of feeling claustrophobic and breathless. You will be able to articulate yourself better and will be able to get your message across to those interviewing you.

If you want to change the way you think, see and feel, call me today. Not tomorrow, TODAY



Just wanted to drop you a line to say a big thank you. I got the job! The preparation we did before the first and second interviews was extremely useful. I remained confident and relaxed throughout, despite having had hardly any interview practice throughout many months of unemployment. In the current market you really need to maximise your chances, and the hypnotherapy sessions did just that for me.

Best regards

Paul (Surrey)


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